Nellie Fung: It’s All About The Team

Behind every successful adviser is a strong team – and supporting every great team is a strong leader. Count’s 2019 Adviser of the Year, Nellie Fung, talks about how she leads her team to help them provide high quality advice.

What was your biggest achievement this year?

I like to focus more on team work rather than my individual achievements. I don't think that I achieved the Adviser of the Year Award just because of my own efforts alone – I wouldn't have won without a great team. They’re always there – making sure my files are up to date and that everything is uploaded to the system. So I suppose my biggest achievement is being part of a great team.


What drives you to provide such high quality service to your clients?

If I was a client, I'd expect my adviser to provide top quality service. So I try to practice what I preach. I also love it when I get feedback from clients. That's why I get them to go to Adviser Ratings, which is a public forum, and rate me.


What is the most rewarding aspect of your role?

It’s not just a job when you are passionate about what you do and you see the difference that your advice can make in your clients’ lives. People usually come to me with stress – especially just before retirement, they’re worried about whether their money will last beyond their life expectancy. They know that I’m there for them and they can trust me, and that feels really great.


How do you measure outcomes for clients?

At the end of the day, it’s client satisfaction that matters. Clients are the one who will tell you whether their advisers are doing the right thing by them – it’s not about ticking boxes. That’s why you should ask clients for feedback, and that’s how we measure whether an adviser is doing the right thing.