Premium Business Group's commitment to the community

When Premium Business Group joined the Count Financial network in March 2022, it signalled the beginning of a new era for the Hobart-based advisory firm. Having previously been licensed through Wealth Market, they chose to move to Count Financial based on the overwhelming sense of community and non-institutional alignment that the CountPlus-owned licensee is known for.

Tom Whitley, Financial Adviser at Premium Business Group, explains the thought process behind the decision to join and the benefits the move has brought to their business and clients so far.

“Changing licensees isn’t a decision that’s made lightly, so we did our due diligence and thoroughly assessed the options in the market. Being able to speak with key people inside the business and get a better understanding of what they could offer made Count a compelling option. For us, those conversations with key management personnel were the driving force behind our decision. They have a team who work closely with us and operate like an extension of our business, with the technology and systems that can support us along the way.”

Whitley also explains the genuine commitment their business has for creating positive client outcomes.

“Supporting the needs of our clients is paramount. We hold in-person information sessions where we speak about the current state of the markets, interest rate rises and the importance of having a financial plan. Spending time with clients in that forum and hearing first-hand about their experiences is really valuable for us.”

The next phase for Premium Business Group involves growing their existing client base, which is also being supported through Count Financial’s dedicated head office referrals team. Count Financial is actively committed to fostering growth opportunities for its national network of Member firms and promoting the value of financial advice to more Australians.

“We have been conducting local area marketing campaigns targeting former advice clients who are in need of a new financial adviser, introducing them to our team and explaining the ways that we can support their needs. This has been successful in helping us generate a number of new referrals from the area”, Whitley added.

So far, the targeted marketing activity has resulted in over 30 new referrals from just 120 prospective clients contacted, demonstrating a strong appetite for advice in the community. A further batch of marketing letters will be sent to more prospects in the coming weeks, assisting the continued growth and success of Premium Business Group and highlighting Count Financial’s commitment to supporting its Member firms.