Ebony Rose joins Count Financial

Count Financial has announced the appointment of The Ebony Rose Group (Ebony Rose) as the latest firm to join its national advice community.

So far in 2022, Count Financial has appointed 34 new advisers, as the CountPlus-owned licensee continues to focus on strategic growth.

Ebony Rose is a Melbourne-based, family-run financial advice business that aims to build long-term relationships with individuals and families in their community. They were most recently licensed through Charter Financial Planning.

Speaking about their reasons for partnering with Count Financial, Rhett May, Managing Director at Ebony Rose, said the decision was relatively straightforward due to the cultural alignment and support services on offer.

“Count Financial’s focus on providing ongoing support to Members without unnecessary red tape was appealing to us. Our client needs are paramount, so we chose a licensee partner that has the tools and systems to make us a more efficient business.”

Mr May also spoke highly of Count Financial’s smooth and seamless onboarding process.

“Changing licensees can be arduous, but the Count Financial team have made the move as easy as possible. The communication is prompt, instructions are clear, and nothing is too difficult when we have a request.”

Andrew Kennedy, Chief Advice Officer at Count Financial, said that Ebony Rose is a quality firm that will bring leadership and expertise to their national adviser community.

“Rhett and the team have a strong reputation in the industry thanks to their client-first approach and commitment to excellence. They will be a great cultural fit for our network, and we are delighted to have them on board.”

Ebony Rose commences with Count Financial on Friday 1 April.